Tuesday, May 03, 2005

May already?!?!

As my title says May already! I can not believe how fast this semester has gone, not that I am not happy!!!!!!!! Its been one heck of a semester let me tell you! I wish I was done, but I am not. This is my last week of classes! Praise the Lord! And then next week I have finals. I have a question/ want opinion on something. One of my professors he invites his classes to The Winner's Circle next Friday. Do you think that is right for a teacher to do this? He's a really cool guy and very relaxed in his teaching. Let me know what you guys think. My weekend was pretty good. I worked most of it. I went to the Bridge on Sunday. I am loving the Bridge as always! Nothing is really new with me right now! I will talk to you all later! Love ya!

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