Saturday, July 23, 2005

another job possibility!

Hey all! On Saturday, I got a call from Kohls saying that they want to work their. So it is an awesome dillema!!! Please pray that everything works out. All I have to do is go take a pee test!! hehe!! That shouldn't be too hard since I drink probably 5 bottles of water a day!!!! Yucky antibiotics(and the heat)!!! Well, just wanted to update all of you!!!! Have a great weekend! love ya all!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey all, update on this! I am working at Kohls! Yeah!! I had trouble going pee when I went to take the pee test... isn't that funny/weird??? I had to go but I couldn't go so I drank like a full bottle of water and then a half of one and boy did I gotta go pee.... I was peeing till Tuesday!!! hahaha!!! So yeah... that's my funny story for ya!