Monday, May 29, 2006

much needed prayers

Hey my lovely beautiful friends! Things have really been busy and stressful at times. I am getting tired of some of the things going on.... but ya thats another issue..... I really need you guys to be praying for me... i feel very "weak" not physically but spiritually... like kind of a Sunday christian. I am not saying that I don't do stuff with the church through the week its just I don't feel really connected and then with work it gets me down and I get really upset and angry like I was at Boscov's. And I feel at times depressed. These are some of the emotions I have had bottled up and its not healthy and I know this but it is sooo hard to talk to people about this. That is why I have been not writing too much lately. I hate my life at the moment. I get yelled at by my step dad about the stupidest stuff about like the future and my health. I know I need to do something about it all but I don't know what to do or how to do it....Im really tired of the BS I get from my step dad at different times. I know it is his way of caring about me but it doesn't really work... Tomorrow I have to go to court for the girl who stole from our lockers at work. And I kind of nervous because of what happened to me and if it is mentioned. Please pray!I am really tired of being treated like a child in some ways. Like for instance my mom asked me tonight if she should come with me to the court thing.... I was like no that would be stupid and all. I need to start doing somethings on my own to help me be more independent. Well... for now thats all! I love ya! Take care!


Ninita said...

Hey Jen
Sorry to hear things are rough. I will definitely keep you in my prayers.

Jen said...

Thank you dear! Things have been a little better...

Nikki Jordan said...

Hey Jen, if you want to talk, just let me know. I will keep you in my prayers. Sorry it's been a while since I've looked in on your blog.