Saturday, July 15, 2006


Hey friends! Sorry I haven't really talkative on here and on phone if you have called me or I call you. As you know if you read my latests blogs, I have been going through some crap. Things are getting better. Some of you read the blog where I said I guy like me from aol im... well thats over and I really don't care anymore about him.He just like made me do things I wouldn't normally do and he hurt me like emotionally. I do not need that. I deserve better. All i can say is this has been good b/c I have be praying and reading the bible more. I have gotten closer to God through this. Please be praying for me! Love you all! It has definitley been a learning experience for me.....


Ninita said...

Hey, Sorry I wasn't around this afternoon when you called. I was at work. I saw you from afar at the Bridge but I left before they stopped singing. I'll be praying for you.

Jen said...

thank you dear!!!