Friday, July 11, 2008

not doing so well today...

Please pray for me. I am not doing well today! I have been so distracted today. And I don't feel like doing that much or anything... I am really tired also.... I got 7.5if not a little more hours of sleep last night. And I am really tired still... Oh well.. Somethings never change! I just don't even want to do anything... I am so I don't know.. blah! That is my mood. I had to come back to this and write more when I had time to do this. I don't why I am so down lately... I can't really shake it either. I don't know whats going on anymore... i have to work all stinkin night too and I really don't feel like it either! Oh well!! I don't even know what to say or anything anymore... i feel as if know one really listens or really cares... they just nod there head and say things like oh yeah I understand what you are going through and stuff like this.... Well, I hate to say it, but no you don't.. not unless you have gone through this will you really understand!! It is really frustrating when you know that they have not felt this way and they say oh I am sorry your feeling this way and I know what you are going through... I know that some people do actually know what I am going through and I know they have gone through something similar. I want to and need to change some of my habits. I am trying to start exercising more and eating healthier which is hard.. but I am trying... I am going to go get started working and stuff.... have a great weekend!!

1 comment: said...


You don't know me and I don't know you either, but I can tell you this...I do care. I really do. I know you wrote this a few weeks back, so I hope you are doing much better now.

You have commented on my blog and it meant so much to me.

Let me know how I can be praying for you.
