Monday, April 11, 2005

continued Bridge....

While we were deciding on where to go and all, I didn't really want to go to Uno's. I wasn't acting my normal self. I am not sure what was wrong with me, but I had a heavy heart and I was just thinking about a lot of stuff especially about what Adam said and Jeff dying and life. I don't know why but I wasn't really in the mood for pizza.. I have never been there before so I didn't know they had other stuff so yeah. While we were at Uno's I wasn't feeling very well(cramps and finger hurt -blood blister), but I stayed b/c I didn't feel like going home and working on the paper just yet. So we stayed till close to 11 o'clock and then I went home. At the restruant I was still not myself. And everyone knew it too. I am like an open boook! So I just said i was ok, just tired which was partly true. Then we went our seperate ways. I then went home and worked till I couldn't see straight pretty much. I finally got done at 2 am. Man was I tired!!!!! While I was finishing writing my paper I was talking to people on AIM and one of those people was Lynette and I was telling her about how Adam's words impacted me and how I was sexually abused as a kid and all. She was very caring and loving and it helped me even though its kind of hard to tell over an instant message. She said something I told her a little bit ago that really helped me! She said that God is carrying me now and he has been and that I have to trust in him(in a nut shell). Although, Lynette and most of my other friends don't get to hang out that often we still have great talks and relate better to each other. Lynette I love you babe! Thanks again! Probably if I hadn't been talking online, I might have gotten done writing my paper earlier, but I was kind of having a writers block. What more can you say about the weather????? And it had to be 5 FULL pages and if it wasn't 5 full pages we would get an automatic F! How unfair is that?????? Oh well! But I finally finished it and it is turned in now! I didn't want to make this soooooo long but sometimes it just happens and you can't do anything about it!!! As Becca said this is a place were we can just lay out our hearts pretty much and I definitley agree because I can't tell most people about my life in person... sometimes I can and I am getting better talking with others about problems I face and all. Well, Im going to go to bed before I fall asleep at the computer desk!!!!! lol! I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Lynette said...

I love you too Jen!