Monday, April 11, 2005

my weekend and Bridge

Hey my loving friends! This past week and weekend have definitley been a trial!!!! I had to work and it was not fun!!! On Friday I actually was suppose to have off, but because of my other co-worker having a cyst in her leg she is not able to work for a while. So needless to say I had to work for her. It wouldnt have been as big a deal, but its like every time I am scheduled off for some reason or another I always have to work. It was crazy busy and of course I was by myself for the night and it sucks because it would bec0me busy sporadically! Then, I was hoping to have to work on Sunday and then I was like no I don't want to work because I had a 5 page paper due today(Monday). As it turns out, I was not scheduled to work! Praise the Lord! I was going to go to Christ Community Church at 10:30 but that never happened b/c I know myself well enough to get down to buisness and to start writing/typing my paper. It's a good thing I did not go because it took a LONG time to write it. I always wasn't feeling up to sitting b/c I had cramps and all so I was feeling a little nause. I worked on my paper from 10 till about 4:45(with breaks in between. I was debating about going to the Bridge and I was like I really need/want to go and be in fellowship with other Christians my age and with people who love me for me and to worship the greatest thing that has ever happened to me!!!! I went and boy was I glad I went!!!! Charles Deza and Michelle and there band sang/performed and they did an awesome job! The sermon was on sex. I was like ummm ok then! But it was interesting. Phil makes everything funny and it was funny how he said stuff. Then at the end this lady and guy named Adam told us their testimony. Adam's was really awesome! It hit me in a way that I could relate to some of what he has gone through. He was sexually abused as a child(teen not sure) and I was also. I know I haven't told most of you but I am at the point where I just don't care anymore. I need to surrender it to God in order for my to really be healed. And Adam also said how he felt like a failure at times well I know I feel like that also and it hurts sometimes. While he was speaking he got choked up a couple of times and he was tearing up and it made me start crying. I have a tendency to cry when others are crying... God was definitley speaking through him for many reasons and I think one was to help me trust him. There was an awesome worship time afterward and after the first song on the second set Adam and the other girl got baptized.. It was awesome. After the worship was over we stayed a little while. I felt funny. I wasn't myself. And others noticed and I was like Im fine, im just tired. We went to UNO's and I wasn't really "there". more in a minute.........

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