Wednesday, January 05, 2005

update on my dad

I don't know how many of you have read my previous blog, but my dad is going to be having open heart surgery. He has a thoracic aortic aneurysm which is in the upper part of the heart. He saw the surgeon yesterday. And they are comfortable with him. His cardiologist referred him to the best person in the world for heart surgeries. Which is very good and my dad looked online before he even told him the surgeons name and he came up with the same guy. The scheduled the surgery for February 7th. This is a tentative date. It may change and I will let you guys know when the date will be. I will keep you updated with this. When I find things! Just please keep praying! Thank you! Love ya guys!


Nikki Jordan said...

Hi Jen,
Will keep your dad in our prayers. Let us know what is going on. If he is an internet buff you might want to send him to tell him to go to the message boards, there is a support/discussion board for people with heart problems. If he is having any doubts or questions there are people on there that have experienced the surgery. Just thought I'd let ya know.
Love ya.

Jen said...

Hey nikki, thanks for the prayers and I will keep you updated. The next few months won't be that much fun. Because of his surgery and also we are getting our kitchen re-done in February also. I believe towards the end of the month. So we have to cook meals ahead of time and then with his surgery it will be hard. So much going on and to little time to think about everything. Talk to you later! Love ya! And thanks again!