Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Praise God!!!

I just wanted to let you all know that I have a new job!!!! Im really excited about it too! I will be working at Calvary Fellowship Church as a receptionist! I start this coming Tuesday!!! thats about it for now!! have a wonderful New Years!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

long time since i have posted...

Hey my friends!!! Sorry it has taken me a while to post something.... i've done it again and gotten myself fired!! i don't know why this keeps happening.... this time it was easier though... not really in the mood to talk to much about it now but yeah... please pray that i can find a new job fast because i do have expenses that need to be taken care of... please pray for me in general that i can "smarten up". i don't think before I act and that has to do with a lot of the problem or maybe its more than that... i don't know but it needs to stop and all........ i don't know why this is happening.... I know Kohl's was getting really wearing on me but its not the best way for me to leave... but im gonna go to bed im tired and i have a lot of job searching to do tomorrow so yeah... if any of you knows anyone who is hiring please let me know... thanks and please pray for me!