Tuesday, May 13, 2008

well..... hmmmmm.......

I am not that good at blogging..... kind of... I read people's blogs and then I don't usually have a lot of time where I can write... Things have been really busy and stressful at times... mostly my causing the stress.. sorta. I don't/can't remember if I have blogged about my seeing a counselor from The Peacemaker Center. I have been going for almost a year... will be a year in July or August I think. For most of the time that I have been going to Peacemaker center, my mom did not know that I was going. I did not tell her b/c I didn't want her to be worrying about me and all. and I felt that it was easier with her not knowing. She knows know and it is good and she has been supportive. She has even read 1 book that I was reading with my counselor and we are reading another book now and my mom is reading it also and we are going to go over it together. I have been doing good here and there and then I just totally took another nose dive in the wrong direction and now I think I am coming back up... Life has been a little ruff for me. I have made some not so good choices but I am doing better and God still has me and I am doing farely well today and yesterday also... well, i don't really know whatelse to write right now.. I am tired.. somethings never change :) lol.. I think that is about it... will try and blog later this week! love and miss you all!!!!